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Something about us


You may have wondered why "Destinazione Caffè"(Destination Coffee), with all the names you can imagine for a site of compatible coffee pods and capsules , why this one.

Well, I'll try to introduce you to our philosophy.

"Before leaving, can we have a coffee?"

"Shall we stop for a coffee at the next service area?"

"As soon as we arrive I want a nice coffee!"

How many times have you heard these phrases?

Or how many times have you pronounced them yourself?

Traveling is an experience that in one way or another is or has been part of the lives of each of us.

The memories related to a trip inexorably enter inside the DNA of our person,

sometimes even with important effects.

Coffee is a recurring element that binds emotions and memories of places and people to itself.  

A coffee taken at the station before jumping into the train to go to visit relatives, a breakfast in front of the sea on vacation, an espresso after a large lunch with friends...

an infinite number of occasions.


On our site you can conveniently order the compatible coffee pods or capsules for your espresso machine for home , and through our blog you can travel and venture into the world of coffee.  

With Destinatione Caffè, you can safely purchase the products of different real Italian brands which bring their typical taste to our homes.  

Browse through the pages of our site and discover the accessories and instant drinks compatible with the different systems for domestic espresso machines .

Parole connesse logo - di Simone Pedozzi

…ma chi c’è dietro Destinazione Caffè?


Simone Pedozzi, il Digital Marketing Specialist e anima di Parole Connesse, è la mente dietro questo progetto. Un esperto creativo immerso nel mondo del caffè.


Una Passione che Diventa Racconto

Con una profonda passione per la scrittura e un approccio innovativo al marketing digitale, Simone ha reso Destinazione Caffè un racconto affascinante del mondo del caffè.


Ogni Tazza, Una Storia da Raccontare

Ogni tazza racconta una storia che Simone riesce a trasmettere in modo unico e coinvolgente, dando vita a ogni sorso.


Expertise nel Digitale per un'Esperienza Immersiva

La sua expertise nel settore digitale arricchisce il blog, rendendo ogni post non solo informativo, ma anche un'esperienza immersiva.


Parole Connesse: Visione e Creatività

Attraverso Parole Connesse, Simone applica la sua visione e creatività per rendere Destinazione Caffè una risorsa preziosa per ogni appassionato di caffè.

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